
terça-feira, outubro 16, 2007

Oi!!! Hoje fiz um teste pra saber que dragão eu seria e o resultado foi:

Your Dragon Self

You Are A Gold Dragon, you live in palaces in hight mountains(very very very hight!). You are one of the most beautiful dragons, and the purest too. You are a symbol of loyalty, justice and honnesty. You will help anyone in need and would only fight if your life was endangered. You can spit a chlorine gas, and fire. You are the stongest dragon magically talking but will use your magic for good only. You have shapeshifting abilities and you can eat anything, but you still have a preferance for fine gems. Nearly no man has set eyes on you.stone: gold (i know it isn't a stone really, but it represents you)you control:water, earth, fire and lives.quote:"Justice does not come from the outside. It comes from inner peace" from Barbara Hall

Take this quiz!

Adorei^^ Pena que a imagem do dragão não seja tão legal...vou ver se acho algo melhor no deviantart por exemplo. Bom de qualquer forma fica ressucitado o meu querido blog hehehhehe